" I am grateful to God i did not lose my life" - Kay Starh.

Fast  rising Nigerian musician Kay Starh was attacked by a group of unknown gun men at his residence along Igando Area of Lagos State.

It was reportrd that the miscreants started their operation at about 11 pm tuesday March 6 2018 and left the area at exactly 3 am carted away valuables including the singer's Mac book pro laptop, his chains, mobile phones and thousands of Naira.  Kindly disregard any mail or calls from anyone without proper confirmation.

The superster who had the plans to release a new song n march 10 has confirmed the date is still intact he said in an interview with Brainchild Tv that " devil is a liar, Ego Oyinbo Drops March 10 2018"

He added that he would have lost his life if he had not sttruggled with them . He was left injured